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Improve Property Listings: [5 Easy Tips to Increase Your Queries]

Model House for Sale on Black Laptop Keyword

Your property listings may have been advertised on various real estate portals or websites, but you are receiving few queries. It’s time to be upfront and direct, as you are to blame if there is no interest in you or your property listings. You might be overcharging for rent or sale price, or you need to introduce your property to potential buyers adequately. 

Below are a few tips to get you started and get more queries about your property listings in various locations worldwide. 

1.Getting The Price Right

Whether you are renting or listing your property for sale on the website, you have to get the price right. It is a very tricky situation, as getting the price right is about understanding the present market conditions and how the market might turn in the next six months or a year. 

One of the best ways to get the price right is to take time to do a bit of self-researching before talking to an agent. Go onto any real estate portal website and filter to your district, property type, bedroom, size, and more. From there, look at the average price of your property, and you can set a target price that is good for you. 

2. Do Basic yet Minor Property Repairs

By repairing a few simple home renovations, you will improve the look of your property. Look at your main living room area or bedrooms and consider how you could enhance their appearance. For example, you may need to paint a wall in your living room which can increase the number of your property listings queries. According to The Thaiger and Bangkok-based baked property consultant Anjana Arora, “if you see a quick repair such as a water leak, do it right away. Always keep your property in peak condition. 

3. Quality Images

As the old saying goes, a picture is worth 1,000 words. You will need quality images to increase queries for your property. Consider hiring a professional photographer, as it’s a good investment you are making for the future. There are hundreds or thousands of property listings, and
